Tuesday, January 17, 2012

CHURAG (sweet bread)


3 cups milk
1.5 cups sugar
1/4 oz of yeast
1/2 cup vegetable oil
about 6 cups flour

first boil the milk or put it in the microwave. (room temp milk)
then pour the milk into the bow, add the sugar, oil, yeast, and flour.
With your hand mix all the ingredients and make sure it turns into dough. (if it does not, add more flour until it turns into dough)
Cover the finished dough with a blanket and put it for 1.5-2 hours until the dough has risen. (You will notice the dough rise so high it will get out the bowl, this is normal)
Then you divide the dough into small balls, about the size of a tennis ball.
Then roll the balls into snakes, long vertical wise.
Then shape it to any design you’d like.
Then put it on a desk, table or in the over (without it on) and let the dough relax, then once it has relaxed (10mins) get 2 eggs and crack it, and divide the whites and yellows. Take the yellows and mix it and wipe it on top of the relaxed dough (this will make it golden)
Then put it in the oven, 350 degrees for 45 mins, keep your eye on it. 
Let me know how your creations turn out! If you have any questions leave them below!

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